Wednesday, May 30, 2012

use your imagination

whenever i am feeling a bit lackluster on the idea front, i like to look back on inspirational images i've saved. this shoot with steve aoki, from zink magazine, always seems to inspire me. this photo shoot is so creative and reminds me to use my imagination. i find that channeling myself when i was little, and would imagine the most bizarre things, seems to let my creative brain run wild and free.

exercise that mind::
take something standard-issued, 
like a photo shoot of someone. 
now distort it in your mind.
let it shape and shift into something:: 
weird. unorthodox. amazing.
uniqueness is key.

you can't go wrong and you'll feel so stimulated.


  1. I really love your blog dear!
    Keep posting, you do it great!


    1. thank you so much for the love!! i love your blog as well! xo

  2. what an awesome photo shoot!
    yeah, sometimes when i'm feeling
    uninspired, i like to look at creative
    images to help me feel inspired again. ^_^

    erica | sweets + hearts
