Friday, March 9, 2012

cape town:: street art romance

i am very passionate about street art. i believe it {when executed with meaning} speaks to people with greater purpose and accessibility than art at a museum or gallery might. this is not to devalue work in a museum or gallery. i think part of the reason street art speaks louder is that it is seemingly constructed and displayed in an unexpected and somewhat unnatural place and because of that {among other things} demands our attention.

well, i stumbled {thank you pinterest} across faith 47's work and was literally blown away by that first image you see here. it's so breathtaking. the composition and colors used harmonizes so well with the brick wall and leafy trees surrounding the piece.

she's a 33 year old self-taught artist living in cape town.

she investigates how humans interact with their environment, what scratches and memories they leave behind. her interactions resonate with our fragility, with our inate understanding of symbols, dreams, textures and inevitable impermanence. 

she met her now husband, DAS, another talented street artist {his art is below}. they met at an exhibit in china in 2010 and married five months later. talk about a modern-day fairy tale.

images via::
faith 47 /// unurth /// street art news


  1. Beautiful post, I love street art in a major way. Living in New Orleans I have been lucky enough to see many of artist "Swoon's" pieces and projects up front...In the past I've done a few myself, sure wish I'd photographed them.

    1. thank you for sharing! i am definitely going to have to check out 'swoon's' work. i cannot believe you've done your own street art - that's crazy amazing!!

  2. OMG these photos are amazing, I'm totally in love with them!If you want we can follow also with bloglovin, google+, twitter and facebook?

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