Tuesday, March 27, 2012

in the depths of dreams:: brooke shaden's girls

if i had dreams as vivid and enchanting as these shots, i would die happy. 

brooke shaden's photostream on flickr continually captivates me like nothing else could. they evoke tragedy, serenity, melancholy...so many things. they also look like subjects you might see in victorian portraits but that's just part of their amazing intrigue.

partial artist statement:: 
"i want my imagery to move beyond the realm of photography and instead mimic paintings and alternate styles of art. i am not in love with any particular medium of art as much as i am in love with visually representing the stories i have in my mind. it is this painterly quality that i emulate, such as the use of brush strokes over my photographs, that i think gives my work a unique touch. there is a particular feeling to all of my photographs, one that touches on the juxtaposition of the real yet surreal, a fantasy and a dream yet riddled with reality."

well i think that they are just so moving. i encourage you to view the rest of her images - they are wonderful.

view her website here.

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