Wednesday, March 14, 2012

pretty pearl pop-up shop complete with a bearded lady

isn't she lovely?! i sure thought so! so i had to take her home with me.

the honey and i happened upon a pop-up shop while we were in andersonville this past weekend. i screeched as we drove by the adorable sign announcing the shop and so we found parking and went on in. it was probably one of the loveliest and cohesive curations i have ever witnessed. it was like being in a lovely circus with all of the bright bold colors.

there were turquoise and gold dinosaur planters, colorful bunting, retro school desks that had been painted and striped with bright, happy colors - it was utterly lovely.

so if you are in the chicago-area or are planning a visit, i would definitely recommend checking out where they'll be! check out their facebook page here.
the pop-up shop is called pearl

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